Call for Reviewers

*** The Call for Reviewers is now closed ***

We are inviting you to sign up as a reviewer for CITERS 2024. These are the primary responsibilities for any reviewer:

  • Promote the Call for Proposal to your colleagues, networks, and mailing lists between now and the end of February.
  • Provide constructive and actionable feedback to all authors who submit Proposals; Please complete and enter reviews in the submission system in a timely fashion, so we can notify authors once reviews are completed. This will allow them more time to develop a high-quality final presentation.
  • Promote the preliminary and final Program to colleagues and networks between now and May.

CITERS depends on volunteering reviewers to ensure the quality of the symposium submissions. Please consider signing up as a reviewer by filling in this form: Your contribution will be greatly appreciated.

The Review Process this year can be summarized as follows:

  • Call for Proposals deadline is 15 March, 2024 (Fri)
  • A single stage review process to be completed by March 29, 2024 (Fri)

Expected Review Effort

The Publication Committee Chair will assign submissions based on your stated sub-theme expertise. You will expect to review 4-6 submissions.

First-Time Reviewers?

Don’t worry if you are a first-time reviewer. Researchers, students, and practitioners of all levels are warmly welcomed, and your expertise and contribution are highly appreciated. We aim to build an inclusive reviewer panel from a broad range of background, research topics, methods, modes of inquiry, and experience levels. We will provide support and guidelines for those who are new to the peer review process.

© 2025 – CITE, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. All rights reserved.
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